In the first place, it is clear that sexual perversion—homosexuality and lesbianism—finds a great resort and refuge in the Western countries where it is accepted and legalized by the laws of these countries that put man in a position even worse than animals under the pretext of protecting human rights.
In such countries that credit civilization and progress to itself, those people are free to establish their own unions, clubs and forums where they can gather together to discuss their problems and work for further forms of perversion and deviation.
To accept such ignominies as a substitute for the natural human relation between males and females is no more than a big leap towards chaos and following animal instincts. The outcome of accepting such manias will be no less than more destruction, disgrace and degradation brought to the face of mankind.
This act of accepting such perversion is a fierce attack against the rights of women and deep involvement in filthiness.
In the West, homosexuality is on the increase because youngsters are encouraged by society to date at earlier and earlier ages. When adolescents or even pre-adolescents are not comfortable with the opposite sex, they are not told that this is due to natural shyness at a young age but that they might be homosexual, and they are encouraged to experiment sexually with their same sex.
Sexual perversion, as previously stated, has two main types, namely male homosexuality and lesbianism. Following is a clear discussion of both in an Islamic perspective.
First: Male Homosexuality
The Qur'an tells us the story of the people of Lut (Lot), who deviated from the natural way and got involved in this abnormality, refusing every word of advice from their Prophet Lut. Thus, their destiny was destruction and punishment. Almighty Allah says: “And Lo! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you? Lo! ye come with lust unto men instead of women. Nay, but ye are wanton folk. And the answer of his people was only that they said (one to another): Turn them out of your township. They are folk, forsooth, who keep pure. And We rescued him and his household, save his wife, who was of those who stayed behind. And We rained a rain upon them. See now the nature of the consequence for evil doers!" (Al-A`raf: 80-84)
The eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:
"Almighty Allah has prohibited illegal sexual intercourse and homosexuality and all means that lead to either of them. This perverted act is a reversal of the natural order, a corruption of man's sexuality, and a crime against the rights of females.
The spread of this depraved practice in a society disrupts its natural life pattern and makes those who practice it slaves to their lusts, depriving them of decent taste, decent morals, and a decent manner of living. The story of the people of Prophet Lut as narrated in the Qur'an should be sufficient for us. Lut's people were addicted to this shameless depravity, abandoning natural, pure, lawful relations with women in the pursuit of this unnatural, foul and illicit practice. That is why their prophet, Lut (peace be upon him) told them: "What! Of all creatures, do you approach males and leave the spouses whom your Lord has created for you? Indeed, you are people transgressing (all limits)!" (Ash-Shu`araa: 165-166)
The strangest expression of these peoples' perversity of nature, lack of guidance, depravity of morals, and aberration of taste was their attitude toward the guests of Prophet Lut (peace be on him), who were angels of punishment in human form sent by Allah to try these people and to expose their perversity. The Qur'an narrates the story: "And when Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and did not know how to protect them. He said, 'This is a day of distress.' And his people, who had long since been practicing abominations, came rushing toward him. He said, 'O my people, here are my daughters. They are purer for you, so fear Allah and do not disgrace me in front of my guests. Is there not a single upright man among you?' They said, 'Thou knowest well that we have no right to thy daughters, and certainly thou knowest what we want.' He said, 'If only I had strength to resist you or had some powerful support!' Said (the angels) 'O Lut, truly, we are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee....'"(Hud: 77-81)
Muslim jurists hold different opinions concerning the punishment for this abominable practice. Should it be the same as the punishment for fornication, or should both the active and passive participants be put to death? While such punishments may seem cruel, they have been suggested to maintain the purity of the Islamic society and to keep it clean of perverted elements."
The western people are very proud of their cultural superiority. Unfortunately they feel superiority for the behaviour worse than animals. Now the problem is that the phenomena of homosexuality is gaining momentum in Asia and other developing countries of the world. This is basically due to the impact of globalization and the tendency of the people to blindly emulate western culture. Hence it is the duty of all countries in the East to join against this perverted human behaviour by providing much needed orientation to its citizens from their childhood. According to medical science, it is not possible to treat them properly. Anyway, this homosexual syndrome will be the upcoming threat to human development and dignity.
In such countries that credit civilization and progress to itself, those people are free to establish their own unions, clubs and forums where they can gather together to discuss their problems and work for further forms of perversion and deviation.
To accept such ignominies as a substitute for the natural human relation between males and females is no more than a big leap towards chaos and following animal instincts. The outcome of accepting such manias will be no less than more destruction, disgrace and degradation brought to the face of mankind.
This act of accepting such perversion is a fierce attack against the rights of women and deep involvement in filthiness.
In the West, homosexuality is on the increase because youngsters are encouraged by society to date at earlier and earlier ages. When adolescents or even pre-adolescents are not comfortable with the opposite sex, they are not told that this is due to natural shyness at a young age but that they might be homosexual, and they are encouraged to experiment sexually with their same sex.
Sexual perversion, as previously stated, has two main types, namely male homosexuality and lesbianism. Following is a clear discussion of both in an Islamic perspective.
First: Male Homosexuality
The Qur'an tells us the story of the people of Lut (Lot), who deviated from the natural way and got involved in this abnormality, refusing every word of advice from their Prophet Lut. Thus, their destiny was destruction and punishment. Almighty Allah says: “And Lo! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you? Lo! ye come with lust unto men instead of women. Nay, but ye are wanton folk. And the answer of his people was only that they said (one to another): Turn them out of your township. They are folk, forsooth, who keep pure. And We rescued him and his household, save his wife, who was of those who stayed behind. And We rained a rain upon them. See now the nature of the consequence for evil doers!" (Al-A`raf: 80-84)
The eminent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:
"Almighty Allah has prohibited illegal sexual intercourse and homosexuality and all means that lead to either of them. This perverted act is a reversal of the natural order, a corruption of man's sexuality, and a crime against the rights of females.
The spread of this depraved practice in a society disrupts its natural life pattern and makes those who practice it slaves to their lusts, depriving them of decent taste, decent morals, and a decent manner of living. The story of the people of Prophet Lut as narrated in the Qur'an should be sufficient for us. Lut's people were addicted to this shameless depravity, abandoning natural, pure, lawful relations with women in the pursuit of this unnatural, foul and illicit practice. That is why their prophet, Lut (peace be upon him) told them: "What! Of all creatures, do you approach males and leave the spouses whom your Lord has created for you? Indeed, you are people transgressing (all limits)!" (Ash-Shu`araa: 165-166)
The strangest expression of these peoples' perversity of nature, lack of guidance, depravity of morals, and aberration of taste was their attitude toward the guests of Prophet Lut (peace be on him), who were angels of punishment in human form sent by Allah to try these people and to expose their perversity. The Qur'an narrates the story: "And when Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and did not know how to protect them. He said, 'This is a day of distress.' And his people, who had long since been practicing abominations, came rushing toward him. He said, 'O my people, here are my daughters. They are purer for you, so fear Allah and do not disgrace me in front of my guests. Is there not a single upright man among you?' They said, 'Thou knowest well that we have no right to thy daughters, and certainly thou knowest what we want.' He said, 'If only I had strength to resist you or had some powerful support!' Said (the angels) 'O Lut, truly, we are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee....'"(Hud: 77-81)
Muslim jurists hold different opinions concerning the punishment for this abominable practice. Should it be the same as the punishment for fornication, or should both the active and passive participants be put to death? While such punishments may seem cruel, they have been suggested to maintain the purity of the Islamic society and to keep it clean of perverted elements."
The western people are very proud of their cultural superiority. Unfortunately they feel superiority for the behaviour worse than animals. Now the problem is that the phenomena of homosexuality is gaining momentum in Asia and other developing countries of the world. This is basically due to the impact of globalization and the tendency of the people to blindly emulate western culture. Hence it is the duty of all countries in the East to join against this perverted human behaviour by providing much needed orientation to its citizens from their childhood. According to medical science, it is not possible to treat them properly. Anyway, this homosexual syndrome will be the upcoming threat to human development and dignity.