Sajad NewsReligion and the Rights of Women: An Islamic Perspective
Taslima Nasreen of Bangladesh became one of the well known writers in the world mainly because of her writings against Islam and its treatment of women. Many people are interested to create controversy in order to become famous. The case of Taslima is more or less same. She bitterly criticized Islam and Quaran. However, most of her allegations were targeted against Islamic priests and their fatwas(religious order). Islam is a religion which was misunderstood by those who have limited knowledge or no knowledge about Islam. These people understand Islam from what is stated by Islamic priests or deeds committed in the name of Islam.
At the outset Islam never recognized priesthood. Islam can be understood only with the right kind of reading of Quaran(with help of right translation, especially English translation by Yousef Ali etc.) and the preaching of Prophet Mohammed (available in the Hadis of Bukari and Muslim). There are thousands of works available to give misdirection of Prophet MohamedÂs preaching. A full fledged research in Islam reveals that there were deliberative attempts to tarnish Islam especially by the Zionist groups and other likely organizations. These people fear the spread of Islam which opposes all evils, would undermine the prospects of other communities interest in the world.
Similarly, there are attempts within Islam to give importance for the priesthood against the will of Prophet Mohamed and Quaran. This led to the negation of the very spirit of Islam. Moreover, the dominance these priesthood led to the orthodoxy in Islam. Here the first victim was women. Islam, more than any other religion in the world, gives a prominent place for women and her rights. The most important allegation against Islam is the dress code imposed by Islam on women. In fact, Islam stipulates that women should wear dress covering the whole body except the face and palms. It is absolutely nonsense that women should cover their faces. What is wrong with covering the whole body? Should women be half dressed to make sex appeal? Why Christian nuns neatly dress? Does covering the whole body means the oppression and violation of human rights?
Islam never prohibited women form engaging jobs and also working with male strangers. Such allegations were based on the wrong interpretation of the Islamic priests. Islam has given all dignity to women. There is no dowry in Islam. According to Islam men should pay a lump sum to the parents of women to get marry. Moreover, Islam orders that all women should be respected and there would be harsh punishment for violence against women. Women have been given equal and dignified status with men in society. Unfortunately the present Islamic society has a male domination. Hence there have been attempts to curtail the freedom of women, which has nothing to do with Islam. So people like Taslima Nasreen should fight against those people and not against Islam. Religions make restrictions to all people for an orderly life. If we want freedom without any restrictions, it would be a barbarous life which existed thousands of years back.