Choice of Prathibha Patil as Women President : A Suicidal Decision
India has been looking for a women President for the last 57 years. When the UPA decided to nominate Prathibha Patil as the candidature for the President, it was a suicidal decision for two reasons. What is the qualification of Ms.Patil to be the President of India since she never appeared in the higher strata of either political or public life. In fact, we can ignore this fact taking into account of India’s previous Presidents’ background. However, how can we respect our first citizen whose family has the track record of criminal background? It does not mean that Bhairon Singh Shikhawat of BJP is aptly qualified to be the President. That is a different case of a person who is very much infamous of promoting the current phase of communalism. Mr.Shekhawat was responsible for inventing different strategies of Hindutva while holding many political posts prior to the present Vice President. The general public understands that there is an acute shortage of candidature for the Congress party. Besides this, Sonia Gandhi wants a puppet in the post of President. Abul Kalam, the outgoing President has proved his position as most dignified and not just singing machine. If Ms.Patil is elected as the new President of India, then she will be the worst President of India. It is very unfortunate that the Left Front has strongly backed the UPA candidature, for which they have to pay a heavy price in future.