17:44 IST
The High Level Committee on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India, chaired by Justice Rajindar Sachar, presented its report to the Prime Minister today.
Justice Sachar informed the Prime Minister that the Committee visited a number of States and met a wide spectrum of people, commissioned detailed surveys and research papers by experts, reviewed published research on the subject, collated available data and interacted with various departments and agencies of central and state governments to obtain relevant information to prepare its report.
Presenting its main findings to the Prime Minister, the Committee informed him that the Muslim community is lagging behind other religious groups of India in most development indicators. The community is relatively poor, more illiterate, has lower access to education, lower representation in public and private sector jobs, and lower availability of bank credit for self-employment. In urban areas, the community mostly lives in slums characterized by poor municipal infrastructure. However, there is considerable variation in the condition of the Muslim community across states and regions. The Committee stressed the need for formulation of appropriate programmes to address the educational and economic backwardness of the community.
The Prime Minister observed that he had acutely felt the lack of authentic, comprehensive and updated information about the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India. Such data is necessary for planning, formulating and implementing specific programmes to address issues relating to the socio-economic backwardness of any disadvantaged group. He stressed that one cannot wish away differences merely by refusing to measure them. Surveys and studies of various disadvantaged sections and regions are necessary to understand the extent of deprivation and evolve and implement focused interventions to ensure that development is equitable and inclusive. The Prime Minister observed that he had constituted the Committee for preparing such a database.
The Prime Minister said that India is a unique nation in the world since it has for centuries been the home of every major religious persuasion. India’s social fabric has been woven together by the co-existence of all religions. This experience has shaped our composite culture and our secular Constitution.
The Prime Minister thanked Justice Rajindar Sachar and other members of the Committee for preparing a comprehensive report. He stated that the report of the Committee will be tabled in Parliament so that it is widely discussed and debated upon, to enable a national consensus on how to improve the social, educational and economic status of the community. He stated that this would be in accordance with the Government commitment to achieve growth with equity, to strengthen our pluralistic ethos and build an inclusive society.